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  • POLY-TAK FABRIC CEMENT :- A high-strength, fast-drying, one- part cement manufactured from a proprietary formula especially to attach polyester fabric to an airframe. It is FAA approved with the Poly-Fiber STC for use in making a 2″ overlap cement seam on the wing leading edge and a 1″ overlap cement seam on the balance of the aircraft, regardless of the wing loading or maximum speed (Vne). Poly-Tak is also an excellent cement for cotton, linen, and glass fiber and will adhere to most surfaces for shear load bonding. Add Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) when necessary to reduce viscosity due to solvent evaporation from an open container.
  • NEW SUPER SEAM FABRIC CEMENT :- New Super Seam is an improvement of the original Ceconite Super Seam Cement. This new formulation is clear, vinyl-based cement that may be over coated with all Randolph dopes with no incompatibilities. New Super Seam has twice the peel strength of the original nitrate-based Super Seam or Rand-O-Bond. The “New” on the can differentiates New Super Seam from the original.

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